HVS Animator Pro

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Animator Pro Features

HVS Animator Pro adds sophisticated but easy to use optimization capabilities to the editing functions in HVS Animator. It uses a variety of optimization strategies to improve the download time of existing GIFs without compromising image quality.

Pricing and How to Upgrade

HVS ColorGIF purchasers receive HVS Animator free with their purchase. Registered ColorGIF users can upgrade to HVS Animator Pro for $49. If you don't own HVS ColorGIF, the price for HVS Animator Pro is $79.

HVS Animator can be upgraded to Animator Pro by entering an unlocking code that corresponds to the product serial#. You can determine your product serial# by clicking on the "Upgrade" button. To receive an unlocking code, call (847) 328-0880, email info@digfrontiers.com or visit http://www.digfrontiers.com. (NOTE: we're still in the process of making unlocking codes available via our secure commerce server, so that option might not yet be available when you read this). You can also send us your payment with your serial number at the address below, and we'll return your unlocking code via post or email. Upon providing your serial number with payment of the upgrade fee ($49) via credit card, you will be given an unlocking code. After you enter the correct key, the Animator Pro features will be enabled. This will also enable you to download maintenance releases from the web site as they are made public.

Last Updated: 3-Dec-97